Friday, January 27, 2017

5 Reasons American Tax Payers Should Pay for the Wall

I am all for President Trump's plan to build a wall and IF we can get money out of the Mexicans then that is just a bonus.  It is estimated that the proposed wall will cost up to $14 Billion, any single ONE of the items listed below has the potential to save the U.S. that much money.  The following are 5 reasons why it makes good fiscal sense for the wall to be paid for by the American tax payer.

1.  Cost of the wall vs. the cost of tax payer paid "benefits".
According to a recent article by The Association of Mature American Citizens:
        "In 2010, the average unlawful immigrant household received around $24,721 in government benefits and services while paying some $10,334 in taxes. This generated an average annual fiscal deficit (benefits received minus taxes paid) of around $14,387 per household. This cost had to be borne by U.S. taxpayers. Amnesty would provide unlawful households with access to over 80 means-tested welfare programs, Obamacare, Social Security, and Medicare. The fiscal deficit for each household would soar."

Follow this link to read the full article:  AMAC

2.  The war on drugs.  

     The war on drugs costs the U.S. tax payer more than $30 Billion every single year.  I realize that the wall will not prevent all illegal drugs from entering the U.S., it most certainly reduce it.

3.  Violent crime.

    The following is an excerpt from an 8 August 2015:

  • Between 2008 and 2014, 40% of all murder convictions in Florida were criminal aliens. In New York it was 34% and Arizona 17.8%.
  • During those years, criminal aliens accounted for 38% of all murder convictions in the five states of California, Texas, Arizona, Florida and New York, while illegal aliens constitute only 5.6% of the total population in those states.
  • That 38% represents 7,085 murders out of the total of 18,643.
Here is a link to that article:  Breitbart

4.  Classroom overcrowding.

     According to the Pew Research Center Almost 7% of Students in K-12 classrooms were children of illegal immigrants.  While this certainly doesn't sound like a lot, the number is likely to get larger every year.

5.  Prison overcrowding.

     In California over 13% of inmates in state prisons are illegal immigrants.  Nationwide, there are similar numbers.  This places an incredible burden on the prison system which has a chronic shortage of staff, facilities and funding.

BONUS:  Terrorism.

     With unchecked border crossings at our southern border, is is extremely easy for violent terrorists to gain access to the U.S.  It is a matter of national security and poses a clear and present danger to the citizens of the U.S.

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